Support & Wellbeing

Student Support, Guidance and Well-being are our top priorities. We take pride in our student support, guidance and wellbeing, complemented by our ethos that every student is an individual. OBC team is committed to the College’s mission statement “To transform lives by helping students become business leaders with innovative thinking, knowledge, skills and confidence to succeed in the real business world.

We ensure students at any campus of the College get a supportive and responsive experience from the initial inquiry to completing a course and progression within or outside the College.This demonstrates our commitment to providing support for inclusive, high-standard student services, providing students with a foundation for high achievement.

Our students’ changing needs and their varied reason for learning guide our approach to providing innovative learning opportunities from entry-level to higher learning that promotes individual progress. The College is committed to helping its student’s Academic and Professional Development (APD) 

Personalised Service

Oxford Business College provides a personalised service adapted to the different needs of students by: 

  • Developing effective individual learning plans
  • Providing Effective pastoral care.
  • Dedicated Student Welfare Officers and a Counsellor. (Students may also meet the Campus Principal to discuss their concerns).
  • Tutorial meetings

Why Mental Health Matters?

Depression is a cruel and unkind illness for anyone to experience. But unfortunately, feeling anxious or stressed is something all of us are likely to feel at one time or another. 

Students at Oxford Business College can contact our welfare team, who are here to help you with worries, anxieties or concerns.

Remember, You are never alone. Your friends, family, classmates, tutors and colleagues are there to support you. We’re all in this together. Useful Mental Health Resources:

Extra Support Sessions and Additional Classes

We aim to go the extra mile to ensure students receive the support they need to succeed. If needed, we offer extra support sessions and additional classes to our current and future students. 


Welfare is about providing a safe and supportive space for you to study. At Oxford Business College, we have an open-door policy and provide plenty of opportunities for student to discuss their issues. In addition, at each campus of the college, Student Welfare Officer is available to help you with a range of issues. Please talk to any member of our welfare team if you have a problem, a complaint or are just feeling uncomfortable about something. Please talk to any member of our welfare team if you have a problem, a complaint or are just feeling uncomfortable about something. 

You may write to:

If you would like to discuss something in private, including any worries or concerns, whether connected to the college (exam anxiety, study difficulties) or personal issues (family, loneliness, health problems), please make an appointment with Lynda Plenty – our college counsellor.  She is a trained Counsellor and is available weekly for free confidential appointments. You do not need to give any information regarding the reason you wish to meet the Counsellor.Welfare is about providing a safe and supportive space for you to study. Please talk to any member of our welfare team if you have a problem, a complaint or just feeling uncomfortable of something.


Lynda Plenty

College Counsellor

Prevent is about safeguarding and supporting those vulnerable to radicalisation. Please contact the Prevent Lead if you feel this could be a concern in the college.

Salman Haq

Prevent and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Disability and Long Term Health Condition

We are committed to ensuring fair and equitable treatment of all students by promoting access for disabled students within an inclusive learning environment and making reasonable adjustments wherever possible.

If you are disabled or have a long-term health condition, you should declare your disability or long-term health condition and register with Student Support and Wellbeing.

The College has a duty to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that you have all the access to education and not placed at a disadvantage compared to others.